Portrait of an Isolated Artist June 30, 2023 16:32


Like you, I am adapting to a strange new world of social distancing. Live streamed yoga classes, online happy hour with my mom, and hardest of all for me, no in-person art markets throughout the spring and summer.

I spent January and February working in my studio on new designs, and was very excited with the Precious Metal Clay Collection and a couple of other fun, new necklaces. The season was shaping up nicely, as I was accepted into some fabulous shows in both Canada and the US. 

Come springtime, I was ready to emerge from the studio, pack up my wares, set up my booth, and share my enthusiasm for tagua jewelry with my lovely customers. But then the reality of Covid-19 hit and my plans, like yours, got turned upside down.

Thank goodness for the online world!  The photo above shows you some of the ways I’ve adapted to this new reality. (Perhaps you can relate to the wine!) I fully understand and support the need to stay socially distant, but I am sure missing our wonderful face-to-face interactions.

I am fortunate that I can work at home and do business over the internet. 

I so appreciate the frontline workers who leave their homes every day, to staff our hospitals, grocery stores, delivery services and more, so that many of us can stay safe at home. In fact, a special shout-out to truck drivers and my neighbourhood postal clerks who continue to work, allowing me to continue to offer free shipping of Treats jewelry in Canada and fast shipping to the United States and around the world.

Despite it all, I know that I am lucky to be safe and comfortable in my North Vancouver home. In the words of our provincial public health officer, “This is not forever, but it is for now.”